Buy milk, bread, fruit, cereal and meat at your local supermarket for 50% off
Milk, most dairy products, breads, fruit, cereals, snack
foods and meat all have expiration dates. If you know who to
ask and what to ask, you can get discounts of 50-90% depending
on the item and expiration date.
Kathy Gillikin, who works here at SAVVY-, investigated and came up with these tips:
- Generally the store will only discount its own store
- To get a good price, you'll need to talk to the manager of
each dept. Usually the managers have the authority to discount
items about to expire. Ask them what the policy is. The first
time you talk with them it may take a couple of minutes. After
that, it usually only takes a few seconds. Once they know you,
you may get deals not available to the general public.
- As a rule the manager will write the new price on your
item with an indelible marker. Be sure to alert the cashier;
otherwise he or she may not see the new price.
- Although items are often discounted just before they
expire, it also depends on how many the store has in stock.
For example, if 40 gallon-bottles of milk are about to expire
in 4 days, you may be able to get them at half price. However,
if there are only three or four bottles left, the manager
might wait until the expiration date before marking them down.
- Most milk products will last many days past the expiration
- Meat, in our area, is only discounted on the day of
expiration. After that the store discards it.
- While fruits and vegetables do not have a specific
expiration date, you should usually get a big discount when
they show visible signs of aging. Since overripe produce is
often discarded, you might be able to buy it for 10 cents on
the dollar or even get it for free.
- When it's near closing time, you can often get a discount
on deli items, doughnuts and rolls.
- Name brand cereals are often marked down near their
expiration date. Generally you can use any coupons you have as
- Watch for overstock sales. Kathy found that fresh store-
brand breads, rolls, and buns went on sale when the manager
had ordered too many.