Calculate and compare monthly payments given the six most popular auto loan lengths also for an automobile, vehicle, car, truck, motorcycle, van or SUV
For automobiles such as: Mazda, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Chevrolet, Toyota, Volkswagen, Kia, Saturn, Dodge, Ford, Daewoo, Honda, Subaru, Volvo Infiniti, Pontiac, Buick, Lexus, Saab, Lincoln, BMW, Audi, Acura, Chrysler, Cadillac, Mercedes-Benz, Mercury, Porsche, Suzuki, GMC, Jeep, Isuzu, Land Rover, Jaguar, Ferrari, Rolls-Royce.

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From each unbiased state's Department Of Insurance
The lowest rate is often less than 75% from the highest rate for the same coverage

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For automobiles such as: Mazda, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Chevrolet, Toyota, Volkswagen, Kia, Saturn, Dodge, Ford, Daewoo, Honda, Subaru, Volvo Infiniti, Pontiac, Buick, Lexus, Saab, Lincoln, BMW, Audi, Acura, Chrysler, Cadillac, Mercedes-Benz, Mercury, Porsche, Suzuki, GMC, Jeep, Isuzu, Land Rover, Jaguar, Ferrari, Rolls-Royce.

Enter the amount financed and the interest rate
then click the "Compute Payment Amounts" button.
Amount financed:
Annual interest rate:
Monthly payment for 12 months:
Monthly payment for 24 months:
Monthly payment for 36 months:
Monthly payment for 48 months:
Monthly payment for 60 months:
Monthly payment for 72 months:

Auto Payment Comparison Calculator
Use this calculator to compare monthly payments given the six most popular auto loan lengths.

Enter the amount financed and the interest rate, then click the "Compute Payment Amounts" button.

Amount financed:
Annual interest rate:
Monthly payment for 12 months:
Monthly payment for 24 months:
Monthly payment for 36 months:
Monthly payment for 48 months:
Monthly payment for 60 months:
Monthly payment for 72 months:

Free Automobile, Truck and Van Calculators:
Loan Payment Comparison, Loan Rate Comparison, How Much Loan You Can Afford, Lease Vs. Buy, Loan Rebate-Financing Comparison, Operating Cost Comparison, Individual Car Operating Cost, Calculate Miles Per Gallon - MPG
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Calculators for automobile, credit card, family budget, real estate, retirement, health, utilities
automobile, credit card, family budget, health, real estate, retirement, utilities

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NEW FOR 2016!
Objective impartial comparison of
auto insurance premium costs
Compare rates from dozens of insurance companies for any state in the USA
From each unbiased state's Department Of Insurance
The lowest rate is often less than 75% from the highest rate for the same coverage tm
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